‘Jaws’ in 3D

‘Jaws’ in 3D Was Made to “Make You Feel Like You’re in the Water”

Stereographer Jeremy Carroll talks about how Steven Spielberg approached 3D to create tension, in a new episode of THR's 'Behind the Screen.'


What many consider among the greatest films ever made, Steven Spielberg’s 1975 classic Jaws recently received the 3D treatment and was released today in Real D–equipped theaters. (It also opens in 2D Imax.)

“We’re enhancing the 3D by kind of bringing the water out into the audience, at the beginning of the film with, Chrissy, where she’s swimming,” explains stereographer Jeremy Carroll — who led the conversion to 3D, with direction by Spielberg — in a new episode of The Hollywood Reporter’s Behind the Screen.

“That’s an intentional choice that we made to really kind of bring the audience into those shots to make you feel like you’re in the water with her to up that tension.”

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